Folder: remote
Devmode: cargo run --bin remote-exex --release -- node --dev
The Reth ExEx is adapted from Reth's Remote ExEx example.
- Block is found w/ blob sidecar
- Reed Solomon Encode blob data into chunks
- Randomly send to one of three nodes (for testing purposes)
- Explore saving blob data commitments in a merkle tree so to easily verify when we implement zk proofs
To sync with Holesky
Holesky Reth (EL Node):
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=<YOUR-KEY> && cargo run --bin remote-exex --release -- node --chain holesky --debug.etherscan --datadir /<YOUR_DIR>/holesky/reth/ --authrpc.jwtsecret /mnt/<YOUR_DIR/holesky/jwt.hex --http --http.api all
Holesky Lighthouse (CL Node):
lighthouse bn --network holesky --checkpoint-sync-url https://holesky.beaconstate.ethstaker.cc/ --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551 --execution-jwt /mnt/<YOUR_DIR>/holesky/jwt.hex --datadir /mnt/<YOUR_DIR>/holesky/lighthouse/ --disable-deposit-contract-sync